If golf is important to you, choosing the right home in the right proximity to a golf course is critical to save you time, money and headaches. No two golf courses are alike and even the same type of golf course (private/daily fee/resort) can vary enormously in many ways within each category.
People often compare private clubs by only the cost of dues but there is so much more than needs to be considered. “I have seen so many people buy a home and then put it back on the market within a year or two or sometimes even within months,” said PGA Life Member & Realtor, Dale Samar of REALTY EXECUTIVES. “You have to remember that if you buy a home with a kitchen that doesn’t fit your needs, you can change the kitchen but if you buy a house near a golf club that doesn’t fit your needs, you can’t change the golf club.”
This is true whether you plan to join a private country club or even if you are looking for a home near a daily fee course. Life is so much better when you are in close proximity to your favorite course. Arizona Golf Communities come in many different types, sizes and price points. They can be privates clubs or offer daily fee options. Gated communities as well as those that are not gated are common. The important thing is to find the right golf community that matches your needs. Make sure you know what the courses or clubs near your prospective home have to offer including social events, instruction, junior programs, clubhouse amenities, course conditions, F&B Options and so much more. You can contact Dale at 602.799.7335 to find out more about finding the perfect home.